(786) 841-2484


Papaito Non-Profit Immigration Services

Papaito Non-Profit immigration services

in South Florida

Helping people build a better future

Helping the Most Needy

in South Florida

Papaito NonProfit is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping the most needy in society. We provide a variety of services to help people who have been abused, neglected, or discriminated against.

Our services include:

  • Child protection: We provide shelter, food, and counseling to children who have been abused or neglected.
  • Women’s empowerment: We provide counseling, legal assistance, and economic opportunities to women who have been abused or discriminated against.
  • Disability services: We provide support and resources to people with disabilities.


We believe that everyone deserves to live a life free from violence, discrimination, and poverty. We are committed to helping people achieve their full potential and build a better future.



Providing human rights protection services to people who are being discriminated against or abused

Child Advocate

Providing child advocacy services to children who have been abused or neglected

Women Abuse

Providing support and resources to women who have been victims of abuse, or rights violations.

Disability People

Providing help to people with disabilities to help them live full and independent lives

Contact us for more information

We advocate

  • Defending Human Rights
    “La defensa de los Derechos Humanos”
  • Fostering a Culture of Global Citizenship, Respectful of Forced Migrations
    “La cultura del ciudadano del mundo respetuoso de las migraciones forzosas”
  • Promoting Knowledge of American Civic Values, Respect for Law and Order
    “Prospiciamos el conocimiento de los valores ciudadanos de América, el respeto a la ley y el orden”
  • Compassion, Gratitude, and the Commitment to Offer Solutions
    “La compasión, el agradecimiento, y la convicción de ofrecer soluciones”
  • Humility and Professionalism with Empathy
    “La humildad y el profesionalismo con empatía”
  • Study, Training, and Constant Dedication
    “El estudio, la formación y dedicación constante”
  • No to Communism or Authoritarianism, or Any Form of Discrimination
    “El NO al comunismo ni al autoritarismo, ni ninguna forma de discriminación”
  • Understanding the Limits of Our Professional Activity
    “La compresión de los limites de nuestra actividad profesional”
  • Flexibility in Attention and Payment Plans for Those Who Really Need It
    “La flexibilidad en la atención y planes de pago a quienes realmente lo necesitan”
  • Generosity, We Cultivate Family Values and Foster Democracy
    “La generosidad, cultivamos valores familiares y fomentamos la democracia”

Why Choose

Papaito immigration services?

We are a trusted and experienced organization

We have been serving the community for over 20 years, and we have a reputation for providing high-quality services.

We are committed to making a difference

We are passionate about our work, and we are always looking for new ways to help people in need.

We are transparent and accountable

We are committed to using our resources wisely and to being accountable to our donors and supporters.

We are inclusive and welcoming

We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Let's get in touch

A Force for Good and Core Values

Papaito NonProfit is a force for good, providing vital support to those facing abuse, neglect, or discrimination. Their core values prioritize a life free from violence and poverty, delivering tailored high-quality services to individuals in need.

Dispensing Hope and Justice Through Services

Papaito NonProfit dispenses hope and justice through a variety of services, including child protection, women's empowerment, and disability support. Their dedicated staff works to help individuals lead violence-free, empowered lives.

A Commitment to Excellence and Accountability

Papaito NonProfit is committed to excellence, guided by values like respect, integrity, and accountability. They offer high-quality services, backed by a well-trained staff, making them a valuable resource for individuals seeking to defend their rights.

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